Industry Example
EcoSage provides with policy to operational level of environmental management consultancy. We have full range experience from IT tools and environmental operational tools. Vary focuses from central level to community level focus, EcoSage exposures can let stakeholders needs to be balance and attended.
When it comes to managing the end- of- life IT Asset and data erasure of the government, we’re at the top of the class. We partner with many system integrators to secure the IT infrastructure replacement contract in an environmentally responsible way but meeting the most stringent government data security policy.
#WasteManagementConsultant #ITAssetDisposition #DataDestruction

From banking to finances institute who need the highest security management, we treat your data the same way we treat our own. With our chain of custody and wide variety of hardware and software, we offer a variety of reliable services that work for the way you manage your end-of-life IT asset and storage media erasure, and make it easy to comply with the security audit of relevant authorities.
#Chainofcustody #ITAssetDisposition #DataDestruction
You work hard to keep your business functioning smoothly and also need a partner who will help you reducing unnecessary wastage and maximize the profit margin. As a sustainable reversed supply chain solutions provider, you can trust us to manage your return goods and waste needs the right way. We know brand protection strategy is an important tool for maintaining and monitoring the integrity and reputation of your business, we offer various product destruction or remarketing solutions tailored to the way you operate.
Also, our chartered waste manager will give you an insight about how you can predict your wastage and incorporate sustainability into every processes of the supply chain through a data analytic approach.
#Reverse Supply Chain #Product Destruction #DataAnalytics

EcoSage walks parallel with schools and NGOs, we address their environmental concerns, donations benefit. We provides with environmental operational, organizes campaign activities and donations. We can work with your institution to deliver full-scale waste and sustainability solutions addressing day-to-day campus life as well as events, and university move-in/move-out days.
#Donation #GreenCampagin
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