Algae Paper of Postage Stamps from Venice
Environmental Friendly and Biodegradation

function of algae
An algae is very common in the water and plays an important role in the water ecosystem as it can be an indicator of the water quality. More pollutants in the water would cause the algae bloom and lead the eutrophication to happen, but algae also help to absorb the pollutants and purify the water quality at the same time.
Alage PaPER
Pablo Dorigo Sempere, the designer from Spanish-Italian has extracted the algae from the polluting Venetian Lagoon and used it to make the paper postage stamps to reduce waste and make better use of resources. Algae paper is an upcycled ecological paper and natural fibers-based that can help to clean the waters from proliferating and harmful algae. This is a kind of innovative and eco-friendly material to pursue a sustainable way in the paper, which beneficial to the ecological and can reduce the demand for trees, as well as used to be one of the sources of paper without using trees.

Three Phases of Production

1. Prepare the pulp into fibers
2. Form the paper on a wire-mesh mould
3. Dry and finish the paper’s surface

Algae Stamps
The color and texture of algae paper will be different based on the composition of thin and coarse powdered algae mixture. The algae paper may have a more irregular and much rough surface texture with darker color if the powdered algae is thicker. The postage stamps are an environmental product with biodegradation and no carbon emission.
There have many materials or items that we believe are worthless and useless. But if we think deep and one more step, some of the materials can be turned into valuable and renewable based on our mind-set. Sustainable development is not that difficult as we think as long as we take action.
Hitti, N. (2020). Pablo Dorigo Sempere
turns Venice canal algae into postage stamps. Retrieved from dezeen,
Web site:
SHIRO Paper-making innovation from renewable and
recycled souces (2020). Retrieved from FAVINI, Web site: