UNIQLO Recycled Down Jacket
Create new Life-Circle of Jacket
Due to consumerism prevails and the pursuit of fashion, people consume many clothes every year. According to a survey by Greenpeace in 2017, Hongkonger consumes over 23 million clothes and 5.8 million of them were disposed to landfill. Most of the people responded that more than 25% of their clothes were worn once or none before disposal, which produce a large amount of waste. UNIQLO is one of the fast fashion brands and popular around the world, it would release a series of seasonal clothing each year, which used a huge amount of resources and produces waste. In order to take social and environmental responsibility, it launches the All-Product Recycling initiative for all the commodities on the shore that collect old clothes.

The RE.UNIQLO series is an example of recycled clothes and would be kept updated on its products list. UNIQLO encourages the customers to return their old and unwanted down as we as feather garments back to its stores and recreate a new recycled down jacket that gives them a new life and new value. They promise the down jacket was 100% recycled from the old down jacket which expands the product's life circle to reduce waste and save the resources, used to contribute to the environment and achieve sustainable business. This is a new step toward benefiting the environment and communities by keeping valuable resources out of the landfills.
Apart from the UNIQLO take environmental actions and policies, the customers also should take their own responsibility to reduce, reuse, and recycle the products. It is a two-way orientation that both sides should make an effort to become a brand that is better for the environment and communities alike.
U Recycled Down Jacket (2020). Retrieved from UNIQLO, Web site: https://www.uniqlo.com/uniqlo-u/20fw/us/en/article/01/
RE.UNIQLO Initiative Aimed at Encouraging Customers to Participate in Giving Unwanted Clothing New Life - Recycled Down Jackets launching in Japan on November 2 represent first fruits of initiative (2020). Retrieved from Fast Retailing, Web site: https://www.fastretailing.com/eng/sustainability/news/2009171600.html